A Director of the Australian Horse Council

During this time Vanessa read a report by George Wilson and Alan Pilkington, titled Australian Horses as a Primary Industry (RIRDC). Her interest in the Australian Horse Industry grew as she developed a deep insight into the issues, which confronted the future growth and development of the industry.

Further awareness and a desire to contribute to this growth led Vanessa to become a member of the executive of the Australian and Victorian Horse Council (VHC). In 1997 she was Honorary Secretary of the Australian Horse Industry Council (AHIC).


Vanessa is convinced that the Australian horse industry has a huge future if only people would work together and in support of each other.

She believes that directly or indirectly all of our industry problems can be addressed if we adopt her recipe of five P's - if we raise the Profile of the Horse, we will encourage increased Participation in the industry, which will raise the level of Professionalism; we need to increase our Protection against endemic and exotic disease threats; and if we do all these we will inevitably raise the level of Prosperity for EVERYONE !!!

“Despite the hardship and crippling effects of the recent EI situation, it is a huge wakeup call for industry. Perhaps now they might realise the benefits of working together!” The positive outcome of the EI situation is the increased awareness of the Government and the media about the size, scope and contribution of the Australian Horse industry to our economy and employment numbers.